List of accepted abstracts
in alphabetical order
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Phase field modeling of deformation twinning in β-metastable titanium alloys
Benoît Appolaire, Juba Hamma, Yann Le Bouar, Alphonse Finel
Explicit Harmonic Structure Of Bidimensional Linear Strain-Gradient Elasticity
Nicolas Auffray, Houssam Abdoul-Anziz, Boris Desmorat
Distortion gradient plasticity modelling of the small-scale behaviour of metals under non-proportional loading.
Lorenzo Bardella, Andrea Panteghini
A FFT-based approach for Mesoscale Field Dislocation Mechanics: applications to internal length scale effects in polycrystals and steel matrix composites
Stephane Berbenni
The evolution of Hooke´s law under finite plastic deformations for fiber reinforced materials.
Albrecht Bertram
Multiphase continua for fiber-reinforced materials.
Jérémy Bleyer
Hashin–Shtrikman bounds on the effective properties of stress-gradient materials
Sébastien Brisard , Vinh-Phuc Tran, Karam Sab
Green functions and integral representation of anisotropicsecond gradient continua. The case of pantographic lattices
Claude Boutin, Francesco dell’Isola
Generalized continuum models confronted tocell-commensurate instabilities in structured media
Christelle Combescure
Wave propagation control in active metamaterial with shunted piezoelectric microstructure
Maria Laura De Bellis, Andrea Bacigalupo, Diego Misseroni
Piola Transformation of Stress and Double Stress in Second Gradient Continua
Francesco dell’Isola, S. Eugster, R. Fedele and P. Seppecher
Predictive strain-gradient homogenization of a pantographicmaterial with compliant junctions and experimental evidence
Baptiste Durand, Arthur Lebee, Pierre Seppecher, Karam Sab
Interpretation of the moduli of isotropic micromorphic elasticity by harmonic decomposition and analytical homogenisation.
Geralf Hütter
On the control of elastic gaps in Gurtin-type strain gradientcrystal plasticity theories using uncoupled dissipationassumption
Mohamed Jebahi, Lei Cai, Farid Abed-Meraim
Enhanced Strength of Cu-Gr-Cu nanolaminate
Jeffrey Kysar, Shruti Rastogi, Christian F. Niordson, Emilio Martinez-Paneda
Energetic versus dissipative gradient damage models: a comparative analysis
Djimédo Kondo, Kossivi Kpotufe, Radhi Abdelmoula
An enriched continuum framework for metamaterial panels obtained through computational homogenization and model order reduction
Varvara Kouznetsova, Lei Liu, Tom Lenders, Marc Geers
Mass transport and shape changes in nonhomogeneous sintering.
Sasa Kovacevic, Sandra Ritchie, Prithviraj Deshmukh, Rahul Panat, Sinisa Mesarovic
Gradient materials: The different behavior of free boundaries of a body and the fictitious cut around some subbody.
Arnold Krawietz
Development, implementation and application of a second-gradient model for porous ductile solids.
Jean-Baptiste Leblond, Jean-Michel Bergheau
Nonlinear gradient models in hyper-elasticity: from slender structures to architectured materials
Claire Lestringant
Modelling contact interactions of generalized continua: microblock contact model for a Cosserat body
Maciej Lewandowski-Szewczyk, Stanisław Stupkiewicz
Interfacial wave between two acoustic bianisotropic materials
Zhanyu Li, Hongfei Qu, Hongkuan Zhang, Xiaoning Liu and Gengkai Hu
Modeling plastic slip localization within polycrystals.
Aldo Marano, Lionel Gélébart, Samuel Forest
A stochastic solver based on the residence time algorithm for crystal plasticity models
Jaime Marian, Qianran Yu, Enrique Martinez, Javier Segurado
A phase field fracture and strain gradient plasticity-based model for predicting hydrogen embrittlement.
Emilio Martinez-Paneda, Philip Kristensen, Christian Niordson
Some perspectives on the Willis equations
Graeme W. Milton
An examination of primitive causality in linear generalized continuum theories.
Venkata Mutnuri, Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan
Microtwist elasticity: Zero modes and polarization in kagome lattices
Hussein Nassar, Hui Chen, Guoliang Huang
Three-dimensional solids and structures within strain gradient elasticity: numerical methods and model comparisons
Jarkko Niiranen, Bahram Hosseini, Jalal Torabi, Sergei Khakalo, Viacheslav Balobanov
Modeling micro-scale compression molding
Christian F. Niordson, Kim L. Nielsen, Bin Zhang, Wen J. Meng, John W. Hutchinson
Damage in periodic composite materials resulting from a micromechanics-based phase field approach
Marco Paggi, Francesca Fantoni, Andrea Bacigalupo, José Reinoso
Gradient models for softening thermo-plasticityat large strain
Jerzy Pamin, Balbina Wcisło, Marzena Mucha
Capturing Microscopic and Macroscopic Instabilities in Mechanical Metamaterials by Micromorphic Computational Homogenization
Ron Peerlings, Sylvia van Bree, Maqsood Ameen, Martin Doškář, Ondřej Rokoš, Marc Geers
Microstructural aspects of gradient-enhanced crystal plasticity
Henryk Petryk
A granular-based elasto-plastic–damage energy formulation for strain gradient solids
Luca Placidi, Emilio Barchiesi, Francesco Dell'isola, Valerii Maksimov, Anil Misra, Nasrin Rezaei, Angelo Scrofani, Dmitry Timofeev
Elastic wave propagation in non-centrosymmetric and chiralarchitectured materials: insights from strain gradientelasticity
Giuseppe Rosi, Nicolas Auffray
Plasticflow and dislocation strengtheningin a continuum formulation of dislocation dynamics
Katrin Schulz, Kolja Zoller
An FFT framework for simulating non-local ductile failure in heterogeneous materials
Javier Segurado, Marco Magri
Local micromorphic non-affine anisotropy
Sebastian Skatulla, Carlo Sansour, Georges Limbert
Direct and energy based homogenization approaches within the second gradient elasticity theory : examples and general relations
Yury Solyaev
Thermal pressurization of earthquake faults under large co-seismic slipusing Cosserat continuum
Alexandros Stathas, Ioannis Stefanou
Determination of Homogenized Continua BehaviorsFrom Actual Printed Microstructures
Maxence Wangermez, Martin Poncelet, Nicolas Auffray
A mesoscale continuum approach of dislocation dynamics and the approximation by discontinuous Galerkin methods.
Christian Wieners, Katrin Schulz
A Gradient-extended Large-strain Anisotropic Damage Model with Crack Orientation Director
Stephan Wulfinghoff, Christian Dorn
Direct FE2 for concurrent multiscale modelling of heterogeneous thin plate structures.
Junhao Xu, Pei Li, Leong Hien Poh, Beng Chye Tan
Enhanced flexoelectricity in heterogeneous piezoelectriccomposites using topology optimization
Julien Yvonnet, Xing Chen, Harold S. Park, Song Yao